“I found this to be very effective in keeping my prayer life organized. In particular, it helped me ‘get out of the starting block’ when I sit down to focus on prayer. Your title ‘Focused Prayer’ is a perfect description of the transformation of my prayer life…” - CO

“I loved the scriptures! It gave me insight on how I should pray.  A true Blessing!”
– CW

“The notebook format allows me to use it like I would use a school notebook and add notes, insert my own pages, take out pages, etc.” - HP

“It was easy! Reading the scriptures, and then returning to my prayer room gave me a sense of accomplishment in my prayers!” – CW

“Your book has definitely changed my prayer life and did so very quickly. It offered organization I was searching for…” – CO

“Praying with my spouse. One of us will read the verses and the other prays the prayers.” – RH

“I have committed to memory some of the principles into my daily prayer life. This has been a blessing to me and I know to those that I’m praying for too! – RH

“It has got me going out again to pray.” – JM

“I was blessed by your Focused Prayer challenge. It was just what I needed to establish a set prayer time in my daily schedule.” – JG

“I pray the SOAR acronym almost every day. If we truly live those 4 things, we will be fruitful in our walk with the Lord.” – MJ

“I found myself using the daily topics as reminders throughout the day of how to act and to encourage others too.” – IL